Tis the Season to be Jolly????
That phrase is normally reserved for Q4 holidays but in reality, TIS ALWAYS...the season of #CurvyHustle leadership. Our dance is to see the value in making sure we are always in our zone of genius and to remain aware of our alignment or notable misalignment with the energy around us. These are advanced communication skills we need to learn early in our quest for corporate elevation. They are good to have across the board especially if you resist meditation or slow mindful yoga where holding presence and being grace under fire is trained in you.
Luckily women have the edge.
We see with our emotions almost too well that we are blind with our eyes. Men on the other hand are all about what they see and are slow to believe what they see is not always reality. They are conditioned historically to cut emotions out. If truth be told, all human forms can be adamant about the power of emotional distance and simply chose to refuse to see emotion. I get...
It is time to be grateful
It is time to see how everything fit into the equation. It is time , like the spring or fall for all the personal change you have endured these past two years or so to shed the old skin and mold into another. I am so sure of it that I have put together some life coach training tools anyone with a personal story of healing can share to coach themselves out of the monkey mind or use in their work. I am sharing these in an educational webinar and Q & A on Wed and Friday of this week.Register and Learn More >>
This training is basically becoming the accumulation of my integrative life's work which was as an Integrative Life Coach for close to two decades. This training for self identified Healers is for you if:
Even though I write everyday, It has been a while since I shared a blog. I wish I could say that is because I have been so damn busy publishing these books I am always writing a bit of everyday, that I was out on tour making millions or got busy speaking across the world about how to Fear{less} and Love{More} but I can't. The honest truth was that those were my plans Q4 of 2017 as I looked forward to the new year and then all hell broke loose. Like many in the #medicinewomanrising revolution, I was called up by experience to pledge with the other teachers who are in this cosmic sorority none of us remember saying yes to. We had to pledge all last year and earn our position in the movement. Yup, so if you spent the entire year of 2018 getting your ass personally kicked back into alignment with what you wanted in life, welcome to the family.
Time flies, even when it sucks
It really wasn't an abusive thing. It was a necessary rebirth and stripping away of any illusions I had left...
As the founder of Belly Guru LLC I have been a catalyst in promoting holistic women's health for almost fifteen years . Although I opened up as a brick and mortar yoga themed wellness studio, my intension was always to be the creator of a learning space where any mother could learn how to maintain the title of CEO of her life.
My focus was always on empowerment of body , mind and mentality. I fused ancient mental, behavioral and body centric practices with modern integrative tools and rehabilitation to create my brand as "The Belly Guru". I began my health business as a mom of young kids in my thirties and now, as a mom of aging teens in my mid forties,I am very happy Belly Guru LLC was adaptable for the changing seasons of my life, the financial ups and downs of my market and the recent drastic change in health education and delivery systems. Although I have shifted a majority of my impact to coaching and consulting, because I strategically grew a personal brand (instead of my...
Hello Lovely Leader of HER Own Financial Destiny!
So I woke up this Saturday thinking really hard about what I want to be known for when I die. I decided 3 things:
So according to an article published on USAToday.com by Christina Jewett for Kaiser Health News and Mark Alesia from IndyStar, there is a bit of evidence the public might want to be alerted to. I believe that if you are serious about doing no harm and being more transparent at the same time, you may want to take a weekend to mull over a couple of feelings and facts.
The Present Cost Containment IS Changing The Process
According to the authors, an investigation of the cited large healthcare organizations uncovered "more than 260 patients have died since 2013 after in-and-out procedures at surgery centers across the country. Dozens — some as young as 2 — have perished after routine operations, such as colonoscopies and tonsillectomies.” ( Jewett and Alesia, 2018)
I have to say, I feel for those families. Earlier this year I went on a FB page rant after my son's "routine nasal surgery" HERE . My patient experience was...
Do you believe feeling beautiful every day of our messy life is our Right?
You will be getting the raw video on this Vlog and some behind the scenes chat because I believe there is such wisdom in the casual woman to woman conversation and that how it rolls is how it rolls.
I wanted to share this Goddess chat with Jaclyn Harris. That is something I can't share on the podcast nor can I share the expressions on our face or the funny times our kids' barge in or when my dog starts to bark but sometimes, while keeping it real as a podcaster, I want to.
In today's Vlog I share my face to face chat (despite the perfectly placed drop at the end of our call) because I love Jaclyn's lipstick. I just did not think keeping that bright smile all to myself by just sharing the edited podcast version HERE was adequate. Especially since we are discussing how her #TheMeFirstMovement is reclaiming those little shares of our womanly charm.
Jaclyn Harris is Reclaiming Our Beauty Power...
Kali, Goddess of Time
So maybe you won't watch the entire 20-minute video here. Maybe you want to wait for the podcast version but if you are into overlapping yogic studies with real-life ups and downs, then this is the episode share for you.
Sure Kali Can be Scary but She Is Always Birthed out of Necessity
I get it. She makes people uncomfortable. She looks absolutely mad but I want you to know that she is not mad in the way we would expect insanity, aggression, and anger gone bad.
No, Kali is more like Mother Nature when she whips up a hurricane and the...
{Image (c)2018 Sallie Sarrel http://www.sarrelgroup.com/salliesblog/}
Can you imagine the shame of needing help with just getting out of bed "Your Time of the Month" and being told for years that you are crazy, lazy or way too soft for your periods or even that you are making it all up?
My featured Guru Goddess this week to decipher all this is the Voice that Walks the Walk herself, Dr. Sallie Sarrel, a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Athletic Trainer and private practice owner in New York and New Jersey who has been treating women with the disease but has also been suffering from the disease for two decades.
In this Goddess Chat, Dr. Sallie Sarrel and I discuss the current state of Lifestyle and Care plan in the world of Endometriosis and why she felt the need to take on the role of Medicine Woman to proclaim WOMEN WITH PAINFUL PERIODS MATTER.
How does a woman prove that through the vocation of motherhood and wife she is the ultimate Medicine Woman?
We are still evolving into another world based on social purpose and grandeur that lives beyond the home but what can we remember about that role of householder in a world that want's us to only feel successful if we are the CEO of a fortune 500 company? So many mother's and wives who want something more like the others are isolated when learning about how strength to find a balance in their work lives can come from personal pain ?
In this Vlog, I spoke with a former student of mine who is both a Belly Guru and Dharm Yoga inspired yoga educator, former client and now a friend. Maria Griemel, RYT graduated from my Yoga Educator program in 2015 and is currently using the practice to launch a vocation of teaching and communicating intimately with people that she never thought she would have.
Social Structures and Socioeconomics Matter to a woman's Health.
50% Complete
We are a community of professional healers. Women rising up to become the Medicine to themselves, their family and the world. Enjoy my self care workbook as a thank you for connecting!