Click HERE To Listen to the latest Owning HER Health Podcast Show

Matriarch Business Wisdom And Poppy Flowers...


{Originally Posted on May 26, 2017}

Featured Goddess Laura Kupperman, CEO, Founder, Yoga Therapist and Business Mentoring Leader

This is the first podcast episode that I had the opportunity to talk shop with my lady biz mentoring hat on. We cover several important topics women who lead, whether at home or out in the world, need to know so for those of you who are struggling with that bolder voice, this will be an energetically lifting episode for you. 

This is also the first episode where my featured guest was talking from a place of such relevant loss as a woman, the loss of her own mother at ten years old which I found to be very inspiring. What I find most interesting is how early, after losing her first mirror for reflection of a woman in this world, Laura was able to flip that pain, make decisions that were not always popular and guide herself a couple of times to navigate her skill set and service points in this world.

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The Curvier View of Healing...

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2018

Ego, Logic, Fight & Flight

In one of my Instagram Mini Blogs I pondered why there was such an extraction of the feminine point of view as medicine evolved. Sometimes I really wonder what the collective health care provider minds could accomplish in 1yr if everyone’s titles and perspective were respected around a round table instead of dissected along a hierarchy model dictated by academic degree. Passing tests means health only if our inner knowing & the universal truths are valued for the sake of hearing ALL others more than the mass data consumption& regurgitation for the sake of hearing oneself. ‍‍

When academia set itself up as the only path to an elite society, they began to take a path of egocentric tunnel vision. When they decided the feelers, the natural healers, the visionaries, the moms, the old wives tales, the philosophers, the artists, the medicine women "witches" burned at the stake were crazy they closed themselves from Mother nature's...

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Want To Feel Good? Learn to Love on Your Tongue?

Uncategorized Feb 04, 2018

So what did you think of yesterday's Love Bite on Breathing For Vitality HERE?

Today we are going to take another simple but high impact thing you use every day and start to bio-hack some healthier eating. The thing I want you to love is your tongue. WHAT? Think about it. The tongue is a highly sensitive organ. It has tons of nerve endings, connects and initiates good digestion, clear conversations, adds musical qualities to some languages spoken, is used to sexually arouse and yet some of us completely ignore its care. Watch Today's Tutorial 

Tongue abuse?

Think about how we abuse our tongue by overloading its nerves with chemical stimulation

In my classical yoga studies under Sri Dharma, I got to appreciate the simple softer and subtle things in life. In my functional medicine nutrition courses, I got to apply the book sciences to it all and really appreciate how our taste buds are a divine gift of pleasure and protection. Along with the smell and bright, fresh,...

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The Top 10 Things To Reconnect With me on This Year

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2018

So if you are following me online you know a couple things about me already.

Here are the top 10 I believe I have shared this past year. 

  1. I am a health entrepreneur that found a new way to share the past 20 + years of learning how to love on the body, mind, and soul.
  2. I love to discuss how to make it all click for a purpose without selling your soul to the devil, getting ridiculed by your colleagues or disappointed with the need to be yourself. 
  3. I am married and popped out a couple kids who are now teens.  One came out easy and one was the inspiration for my first brand "The Belly Guru" because she did not.
  4. After that horror show on my pelvic floor and the hardship of fitting my skills and personality and joy into being a mom and a passionate health leader, I shifted my work from orthopedic sports medicine which was killing my mojo to start my own vision of life success working with the transitional holistic health risks of women through...
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What Can You Learn From Your Inner Guru Gal About Holding Healthy Space?

What can You Learn from A Girl?

In Episode 15 we explored that as I hosted Emily, Michelle, Lindsey, Ashley, and Nicole from Girl Scout Troop 3515 of the Hornet's Council here in Charlotte, North Carolina. They showed up reminding me of my inner Guru Gal energies of joy and laughter in balance with getting down to business and nurturing the world. 

This episode is filled with several K.I.S.S. ideas like easy DIY products to save your lungs and livers using natural materials you likely already have at home and lots of Great Links Below!

Did you know that , depending on how you decorate and clean that your inside air quality is likely worse than outside your home?

Reduction of toxins in our homes was the main topic but then something really awesome and cool happened

Find out what happened and download the podcast HERE 

Resources ......


Environmental Health Plants: Get a plant for every 100 sq feet! 

4 Popular ones....Peace lily, Garden Mum, Spider...

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Moving The Power of Primal Fear into Ongoing Fires of Trust & Confidence


Marching For What Power?

In episode 12 I am coming off the Women's Health Marches all over the world and talking to the Goddess Tribe about how we can use that global feminine energy to gear up our psyche for Self Love this February.

February promises to love and with this episode being between the marches and my Valentine's Day pelvic love episode I thought it was a perfect time to discuss how these marches showed the fear, trust and confidence issues so many people have which blocks them from truly loving themselves and others. I think some of the catalytic force we are feeling now come up big time from those primal feelings and would love your comments back on questions I propose in this session such as...

  1.  How do we take the fire of fear and move that into something that lasts instead of burning bridges? 
  2. Where can we educate and collaborate together in trust instead of fear? 
  3. What are women really looking for when we say we want power?  
  4. What does that...
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The Art Of Using The Feminine Leadership Ways of Partnership and Circles for Personal Growth and Healing

ladybizpt women's health Jan 23, 2017

This episode was sponsored by Paul Gough's Business Growth School and leading online audiobook center
Click HERE to join Paul's free webinar training this weekend 1/28 & 29th 2017 

 On Episode 11

I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Susan C. Clinton PT, DScPT, OCS, WCS, COMT, FAAOMPT a leader in the Women's health field and the profession of Physical Therapy as a whole. One would think someone who is that accomplished would not have time for a Goddess Chat but Susan proved me wrong and not only made the time to share #HERstory but had some great inner wisdom to share for strong lady leaders who are birthing dreams instead of children into this world. Don't miss the last 5 minutes where She mentions some great resources for clinicians with Jessica Drummond for self care as well as her initiative and we discuss how forming a circle of trust with fellow women is the way to rise!!!! 

We Talk HER STORY... Hurricane Katrina destroyed...

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Applying Behavioral Styles


See the Vlog

Did you know that there is a lot of behavioral change needed when moving from being an employee into a business owner?


I don't mean just the normal organizational skills or money management.


I am talking about behaviors in how you approach your overall vitality in everything from the hours you exercise to the people around you because these will affect your attitude about the important choices you need to make.

 A great scalable business plan alone is not going to help the woman who is waking up to the fact that she is close to 40 and is no longer going to sacrifice her health for a paycheck. Today with the technology, global market times, an education and some brandable personality, any woman can very well create her own economy.

 Illness should not be your catalyst! 

But at the point your body or mind is screaming it is your psychology, physiology, and sociology skills I need to give you some training in.


Everyone sells you the...

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The Inner Guru Goddess Guides

Welcome to episode 9 of My Owning HER Health Podcast .

This was my last episode of the the 2016 Fall season! For more episodes Subscribe to my ITunes Show HERE 

The support has been amazing with this soft launch of Owning HER health this second half of Fall and I am excited for all the guests I have planned into first quarter of 2017!

This episode was what I call A GURU GODDESS SESSION where our deep, intuitive collective wisdom as women will be shared. Look for those, hang out with the Goddesses of your life and join in the conversation on twitter @HERhealthPod after the show.  I will be answering your questions on the Tuesday evenings they launch at least twice a quarter in the future! Okay now onto the present.

In this episode you will learn....

  • The secret powers of the Inner Guru Goddess Vibe, how to tap into HER wisdom at different points of your life and how to celebrate those milestones with others
  • What is the one celebration and natural force so many of our young...
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Talking Chakras and Cancer and Making Our Young Guru Gals Strong!

On episode 10 of my Owning HER Health podcast we opened up my Winter Season with one of my colleagues who has one hell of #HERstory. After climbing the ladder being perfect on so many levels Dr Julie, PT shared a very amazing story of how intimately linked we women are with our perceptions of strength , our emotions and our physical health.


This episode is sponsored by Paul Gough's Business Growth School. Learn More 

Dr Julie's story will inspire and also redefine success for you!

My friend and integrative colleague, Dr Julie Granger doesn’t just treat athletes – she is one. The one time All-ACC Honor Roll Recipient was a member of the Division 1 Women’s Varsity Swimming and Diving Program at Duke University but sustained a career-ending shoulder injury and her subsequent year in physical therapy at Duke ultimately solidified Julie’s career path. In 2012, Julie received her board certification Sports Physical Therapy from the American Board...

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I have been calling you in... Join this Women's Life, Learning + Leadership Development conversation 

We are a community of professional healers. Women rising up to become the Medicine to themselves, their family and the world.  Enjoy my self care workbook as a thank you for connecting!