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Want To Feel Good? Learn to Love on Your Tongue?

Uncategorized Feb 04, 2018

So what did you think of yesterday's Love Bite on Breathing For Vitality HERE?

Today we are going to take another simple but high impact thing you use every day and start to bio-hack some healthier eating. The thing I want you to love is your tongue. WHAT? Think about it. The tongue is a highly sensitive organ. It has tons of nerve endings, connects and initiates good digestion, clear conversations, adds musical qualities to some languages spoken, is used to sexually arouse and yet some of us completely ignore its care. Watch Today's Tutorial 

Tongue abuse?

Think about how we abuse our tongue by overloading its nerves with chemical stimulation

In my classical yoga studies under Sri Dharma, I got to appreciate the simple softer and subtle things in life. In my functional medicine nutrition courses, I got to apply the book sciences to it all and really appreciate how our taste buds are a divine gift of pleasure and protection. Along with the smell and bright, fresh, look of our food our brain starts to receive information about how safe it is to stop and eat something. The aromatherapy of cooking is soul medicine at its basic roots.  The way our gut is connected to the earth, and the bacteria in our gut communicates to our brain about the help or hurt of our food choices are amazing.  We take that for granted when we ignore the tongue's experience. Finally, if the tongue becomes very sensitive to the slightest sensation again, can you imagine how good quality fresh meals become or passionate kisses with those chocolate covered strawberries or .........

( I will leave that to your imagination) ??? 

Are you suffering from autoimmune disease or pain?

Being present with our food in such a mindful way as studying our taste and touch of the food sets us up for our immunity by prepping the stomach and communicating with the salivary glands before the food hits our lips. Our tongue gets ready to reject or accept the taste or consistency entering into our bodies like a proud loving soldier. All of this is at such a quick and subtle level that we don't need to be watching even though we should. Those with immunity and pain need to realize that there is a whole brain level conversation going on and they need to join it. 

Growth Opportunity

Have you ever failed to notice what you are actually eating looking into your phone and bitten into something unexpected in the consistency or taste and been grossed out! You immediately lose that appetite right? 

Will you Nourish and Love Your Taste Buds?

Check out Day 3's tip for Conscious Self Love 


I offer you a keep it simple and sane way to reclaim your taste buds by getting very present and aware with the basics of taste again.  Are you serious about not suffering? Then how about getting serious about experiencing something as it really is and having the discipline to cut out as many added spices, salt, sugar products ( including fruit and their juice) as you can for two weeks. Yup, eating food is going to be boring for a couple of weeks until you actually start to taste the bounty of real food again. 


Oh yeah, in this challenge you also have to actually eat real, colorful whole food. Tons of it is fine along with lots of clean filtered water and a morning warm cleaning green tea. That and some lemon water is the jazziest you are going to get with this.  Coffee is technically a no-no but if you need one vice...

Here are the biochemistry and physiohacking we are playing with. 

As I explained above, your body expects something from the smell and look of your food and a lot is tied into memories UNLESS you make a new one. So I want you to pay attention this month to food prep and all the colors, the feel of the knife chopping and the love you are placing into the preparation.  I want you to really try to be strong enough for at least a week to eat plan and whole. You can use natural aminos and olive oil and lemon but that's about it.NO added salt, no added sugars,( watch the fruit amounts, they are not a free ride on calories). Load up on tons of veggies.

The taste challenge

On a full stomach so as not to tempt too hard, I want to you to place some of the following separately for a 30 sec minimum experience in your mouth both BEFORE you eat plain and then after a week or two ( two is preferred as craving will be high on what you are really attached to week one) and compare those same tastes in a different tuned up the nervous system. 

  • Sugar granules
  • Salt granules
  • A drop of lemon juice
  • A bite of saurkraut ( might as well get those probiotics we all need) 

Notice any amplification of taste after the pause on spice?  Feeling like eating something you used to crave tastes yucky now?

The perks for weight loss and diabetes

No longer liking and kicking the constant crave for things that physiologically hurt you even if they emotionally sooth you is a perk. That is the reality. Realizing you had overstimulated or overwhelmed the tongue is a blessing. Being overstimulated at the tongue is like being in a party and the music is so loud you feel it shake you and people are also loud around you and your friend with a low voice steps up to tell you something super important.  How would that work in communicating the real need? That is what is happening every day your tongue is in that constant chaos and you eat something really toxic.  I remember after by 500-hour yoga training intensive diet, I couldn't even eat a potato chip without tasting the chemical additives and being horrified by the amount of salt on one chip. Sadly, without discipline and some poor stress processing,  I need to get back to this exercise myself this month because I polished off a small bag yesterday! This was while I sensed the salt was uncomfortably high and I continued to eat it anyway! #addicted2Comfort 

Remember How hurt looks on our body

That is a sign my tongue is on overload and my Liver is waiting! More on that Liver Love tomorrow! Thanks for doing the work of being human and awesome at it!

#ItTakesAVillage #Accept #SimpleIsGold #YogaOffTheMat



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