It is time to be grateful
It is time to see how everything fit into the equation. It is time , like the spring or fall for all the personal change you have endured these past two years or so to shed the old skin and mold into another. I am so sure of it that I have put together some life coach training tools anyone with a personal story of healing can share to coach themselves out of the monkey mind or use in their work. I am sharing these in an educational webinar and Q & A on Wed and Friday of this week.Register and Learn More >>
This training is basically becoming the accumulation of my integrative life's work which was as an Integrative Life Coach for close to two decades. This training for self identified Healers is for you if:
As I present in my Level 1 Life Training Curriculum, if you want to enable someone to thrive while living the other 266 hours out of your 2 hour clinic sessions or wellness workouts and they are suffering from PTSD or in chronic pain or healing some birthing trauma, you need to show up as a human being supporting another human being not a statistical outcome measurement tool.
If you are going places Read On...
Even if you have no desire to learn how to coach people through change, there is no need to jump into a yoga teacher training to avoid a therapist's couch to be supported through one. We can't all just jump on a plane to Costa Rica for an awakening because we want one but we can learn how to awaken ourselves daily right here, right now. We can learn to fear {less} and love {more}.
Any one still reading this 100% on the verge of their grandeur and in this community. If you have been here a while, you know the Goddess Tribe is filled with Wise women and conscious men. We are here making the shifts ourselves. We are dancing to the #curvyhustle and in our wake all ships rise but first we need to know we are on the right path, speaking with the right people and that the energy we put out into the world will support us in the way we want and quite frankly, according to well know human systems models of health and healing, it is what drives us at our core to attain.
How do we speak about inner change ?
It is no secret, most of our most challenging compliance clients are the one's with the most resistance to living with ease in life. Why is that? Is it really a matter of circumstances keeping them down?
Abraham Maslow's expanded motivational model of human needs for change is a great example of how we can start to blend some old school spiritual practices such as self realization as a path to transcendence with very non dogmatic language. As I will be teaching in my life coach skills training, the best providers of care will become the life coaches because we are the ones holding strong to keeping the human being needing the support, in the drivers seat of change.
As we move on into April, having just celebrated being a fool, let's step forward with a beginner's mind. There is so much opportunity to help people get not only a piece of themselves back after injury or ill feeling, but to actually get the whole self back and self efficacy to #bethechange we wish for them.
Want to join my first cohort of game changing catalyst life coaching healers? Apply here
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We are a community of professional healers. Women rising up to become the Medicine to themselves, their family and the world. Enjoy my self care workbook as a thank you for connecting!