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6 Ways I am Not Being Fragile in the Ongoing War on Racism, Uncontrollable Capitalists and The Patriarchy


Around March 15th, 2020 I went into Lockdown mode. 

By May 15th I was emerging but into a really raw America.

As you can see in my video above, I said that by June 16th,  I expected us to be looking at the world as a New Garden of Eden and after what went down with George Floyd on top of the others, after I posted this, I am calling in a new social ethos.

Number one, racism is married to capitalism.

Racism is how some people got ahead in life so The Universal Laws on Compensation, Reciprocity and Sacrifice ae pushing forward. Racism is tied to white fragility and for anyone to be better than anyone else, we need to remember what social structures turned into this reality. The patriarchy and sadly the misogyny and the white supremacy that goes along in the bed with racism is amongst the themes I propose Goddess Wisdom solve. 

I would simply like to help in the rise of the linking solution so I propose those ready to sit down and design a new common economy consider this one I envision for the Goddess Wisdom leaders I consult and brand coach with. 

A #CurvyHustler ecosystem, is a multimodal, multidirectional, fraternal and self controlled ecosystem. There is a fraternity and the gifts, talents and treasures of each human being, not their GPA or gender, or current economic status, are the capital.

We think under a veil of Goddess Wisdom which is the knowing that you and I, when healthy and aligned with our highest knowing, are healthiest and socially our wealthiest, when highly influenced by our divine feminine source energies. In those we are receptive to learning, omnipotent living and transformational leadership. We are connected to compassion, communication, and relationship building on the inside and outside our bubbles especially when under communal despair.

Goddess archetypes don't come in one form. They don't need to look like stereotypical women and stand comfortably in their masculine seeds of taking up space in the conversation. We are mostly mothers with a drive to do what we do because we want our children out of harm's way, our lovers nurtured, our trusted allies protected and our communities safe and abundant. We are those with a natural caring nature for the vulnerable. This means that no matter what our gender identity, color, culture, age or nation, we have a healthy Unity energy body connected to the supreme source daily leading our way . 

Number two, I believe the Goddess inside men and women flourished in lockdowns and made social distancing educational.

The time to leverage this is now. The last five months of 2020 was enough time to love on our families and see things that are unfair to all. We had enough stories to show who are the ones with the characteristics we want in this human tribe and what we call false social pillars that are visibly corrupt, toxic and needed to collapse anyway. 

image taken from

Because of the contrast, family came first and offices surrendered perfection. It also became clear a post partum year out of the office could work and we can proactively use the research that breastfeeding the first year offers a lifetime boost to immunity to improve maternal morbidity and pediatric and family wellness as a community. All because this poor management forced us to work from home . 

Number Three, It Feels Like The End

In many ways this is the great purge of many sacrificial things including many people but in reality, this is not the end. We are on a constant spiral path of cosmic evolution. This is ramping up time on the new cycle. Right now you likely feel and fear change but change is in your DNA.  You don't have to worry about the future. You, like me,  wonder how our kids' can thrive but yet we know they will. You likely wonder if your parental roles in all this were good enough and what they will be now and yet it is what it is and what every will be will be. The damage or boost to them is done. 

And what about your own upbringing?  Did it trigger so much pain at the threat of losing your social benchmarks of identity? 

How about those triggers coming up held around being good enough, rich enough, creative enough, competitive enough, even sick enough to validate a post illness chronic fatigue? 

Yup, we live in the Upside Down. 

What 2020 is asking us all is to do better. It is telling us to enter into the show called Stranger Things. If you watch this show, it has an alternate multiverse where you can just be absorbed into an alternate scary AF reality. The 2020 Post COVID world is actually never really going to be "Post this Virus" it is just one big alternate multiverse reality. It will be just like we were never yet post HIV for some but for others they have lived in that AIDS is cured reality. We are witnessing our species under an accelerated evolution.

This Coronavirus is birthed out of our own mishandling of OUR lifestyle. We are at odds and time is up with our environment. We chose this ignorance out of survival but I get it.  In The Upside Down, there really feels like there is a ploy to have us all believe the opposite. We suffer by someone else's ignorance there and not our own but yet, here you are being asked to leave the victim consciousness once and for all. You want to live out a new cosmic knowledge based reality but it seems impossible to do it.

See here is where the plot twists.

Number Four, This is where the world needs to be viewed upside down and reverse in order to get the real solutions.  

  1. There are no victims on this next version of Earth reality. Being victimized is here but no one that is happy is a victim. Think on that.
  2. The mothering needs to come back into our homes but there does not need to be a traditional mother.
  3. Our vulnerabilities need to be in the boardrooms but you do not need to be weak to show them.
  4. If you have the strength to push an agenda through, you need to decide sometimes to choose NOT to and that is a win. 
  5. You need to understand that darkness is not always bad and light is not always right. In fact the darkness you see today is actually working for Source. Source birthed change agents that work FOR the light, not against it. Fallen angels are not real. The symbolism was for made up control. No angel is bad. The Devil has a really misunderstood backstory.  We color all energy roles as we need to perceive it. The contrasts have an important role and everything is perfectly organized even when we are in chaos. 
  6. It had to work this way. The other bright wake up calls seemed to continue to blind us over and over. At least this way you get a huge early bird wake up call. For example, I bet you can rate your sense of personal significance way better than the metric you were using a year ago. Trust me, money is a false God. One year ago,  you were ready to sell your soul out for the excuse of paying a bill you chose to have. Student loans, The Universe, Bill Gates, whatever it is, is not against you as much as you mindset pits your spirit against your ego. 

Number Five, Money matters but it is a false God.

What is really needed now is what I am calling a global currency in social transcendence.

WE keep our money but our self worth and ethical core structures have been challenged.  We are asked by our conscience, "Who or what have you given personal authority of your life to? " 

Suddenly the University degrees and luxury cars or hours of donated "Karma" services from being so sure  "the servantship is not getting prostituted into the business" is not getting you out of this. 

The work right now, is not about changing anyone's mind or fixing the World's order. It is about showing up and everyone knowing where you stand once and for all. The assignment is for us to look under our own hood and see what has been making all the noise inside our own heads about everything in 2020. Let's be honest, the noise came on and off years and decades before. 

Number Six, 2020 is a full out global energetic war

Whether you like it or not, the truth is out now. The devil is not outside of you. Those spiritual books are making a hell more sense then you  care to admit.  You now see the moral conditioning of friends on their social stories and that surprised the hell out of you.  You really want those humans to just go away and be the devil so you can blame them too but you also know an inconvenient reality. I am a reflection of you that you want to see and you are a reflection of me and so that devil you see in me is inside you too. 

But if you have hope for humanity. Then the final Upside Down World truth I have to share will not come as a surprise for you. The Devil actually loves you. You do not need to be scared. 


If you believe in the power of love and compassion and faith like me then the fact that humans are sensory learners means that devil inside can learn too. We all in totality can come to of this insanity and into our better senses. Still, let's be clear. Right now and forever more, the demons you fear are inside you and making you crazy. We all need to aim to be still at the start and ending of our day. Every day you level up on your mental facilities you get a better understanding of our own power. Your energetic anatomy, psychology, sociology and physiology so that we can come back into a spiritual fitness level that will see us through. 

In other words, we all have a lot of work to do.

It is YOUR personal core values and inner voice being called upon to speak your truths. Not your culture's or your parents or your church's. 

It is your core values that are in or not in alignment with Universal Order. 

It is your mind that is losing it or remaining calm.

The Sugar was The Rise of Spirituality

The order in that feels like grace and ease when on the right path for us and says time and time again, you are human. Life is real and it is time to admit it.

We homosapiens are amazing but we did not invent a damn thing. We repurposed the creativity of the world's plants and animals and then upgraded other people's visions and imaginations.

The Good News...

  • We humans have the kingdom of heaven within us but we are not the source of all creation. Heaven is not for the dead. Heaven is for the ones that do the work of actually living. We are co creators who must sacrifice a bit to let all our powers in.
  • All that you need is already here but you, like I, and everyone else must be clear on what we want because what we have now, someone wanted. We let it in.
  • Finally, you are not a victim of circumstances and you can admit that even if you have been victimized in the past.

This is a big part of obtaining the life you want and being the CEO of that experience. Handing off thinking to anyone else right now is irresponsible but you are not bad if that is where you are right now and can not do it. 

Welcome Home Soul Sister

Start with diving into my new podcast updates HERE  and get the free personal development coaching videos for women on the edge of their stride when I send them in the newsletter because this is a whole person experience . Stop working with seven different people dissecting seven different versions of you because they alone have not practiced putting all the pieces of a spiritual, academically educated, wife, mother, leader, with big plans for her power from her business together  . Time for soul sisters and brothers to come back together and come on home. 

Hope to catch you on a live in the Facebook mastermind and on one of our seasonal success challenges soon. So glad we connected. 



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