Thank you For Looking into the Academy in time for Trial Week

I call the trial week A Launch Party. Think of it as an energy boost week. I already feel the shift with your energy joining the circle!

2020 has shown us we have no control of the timelines but you can move your energy into habits expecting sacred success.

Here is your Prep work

  1. Download your prep workbook. There are important grounding exercises here. 
  2. Fix your email box. Please place [email protected] and [email protected] into your allowed contacts so you get any attachments I may send 
  3. If you have not already, Join the Goddess Wisdom Mastermind group for post challenge tips
  4. Join The Special Challenge Training Page just for those participating in Launch Party.  The link to the Live morning Zoom calls and Masterclass are on the training page.
  5. I will post the recordings after we go live OFF SOCIAL MEDIA each day. If you prefer to remain off Facebook please reply now so that you are added to the emailed recordings. I want you all focused for the 30 minutes and then go take action that first hour!
  6. Clear off 8am-9am EST or 12-1pm EST Sat Sept 26th for a Masterclass on Attraction Marketing and Q & A . This is A time for asking support on where to go next with your 5X bigger REvenue Stream. 
  7. Feel free to email [email protected] anytime if you have a question with a download or get personally stuck this week

There is a Bonus gift for attending Live & Reading Emails



50% Complete

Two Step

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